A history of Making
Photo by Jason Seagle
I’ve been building and creating my whole life. As the son of an engineer, I had access to a basement workshop capable of outputting everything from throwing stars to JEEP transmissions to lunchbox alarms. Growing up with a fist full of legos, colored pencils, and power tools shaped the designer I am today. With 20+ years of award-winning advertising work under my belt, I’ve gone back to my roots of crafting goods that I want to wear, use, or simply decorate my space.
I strive to build goods that are fun and above all functional. I like to add as much tongue-in-cheek and old-school style as I can. And I personally use and field test everything I create. All of my products are designed and crafted by me, or in close collaboration with other artists. For items beyond my skill set or toolset, I work with manufacturers who I've worked with for several years and trust the quality of their materials.
Whether you ride a chopper or surfboard, live in one of my favorite places, or you're a fellow maker, I hope you will find something we have in common.
Do Work & Do Good.
This is my 1977 Harley Ironhead. I spent one day tearing it down and eight months building it back. It’s kickstart only and stroked to 1250cc.
I photographed it in my studio.